The story of Four Brothers !!

In a far remote Village, there lived Four brothers with their mother.

Their whole childhood they've heard of a very famous fruit.
They knew it's description, it's appearance, but as it was a tale, they didn't know it's real name.

So, one day an education Drive came to their village and took all the brothers separately for studies at different places.
They wrote to their mother every week and they were doing very well in their studies.

When their studies were complete, they came back home and told their mother that they all found the fruit in their childhood tales.

The Mother was very happy and asked the name of the fruit.

One Bother said its name is Pomme.
The second brother said, no I am told that its name is Manzana.
The third brother interfered an said that the whole world knows it as Mollë.
And the fourth brother who was the oldest, said no I verified that its name is Omena.

Without opening the present in which they all brought the Fruit, they started arguing that their version of the fruit is correct.
The fight became so violent, that they even forgot to show the fruit to the mother.

The mother who was observing all this, shouted at them and asked them to stop.
She told them to open their present. The fruit which matches the description of the myth will be declared as the correct fruit.

All the brothers opened their present and to their surprise, they saw the same fruit in all the boxes.
The shape was the same, so was the color.
All the fruits matched the description of the tale. They were very Surprised by this.

They sat together and tasted each other's fruit. The taste was also the same.

Then they realized that, the thing they were fighting for is nothing but different names of the same object.
The same fruit is known as Apple in English, Pomme in French, Manzana in Spanish, Mollë in Albanian and Omena in Finnish.

Without listening the complete picture or without even knowing what other brothers brought, they started fighting after just listening the name.

For such a trivial fruit, this misunderstanding can happen.
What about the supreme Divine, which doesn't have a Name, doesn't have a form, no color, no taste, no smell.
Which is beyond senses, which is beyond time and space.

Giving the Divine a name or even a form just makes it easier for the stupid human brain to remember the Divine. Honor the Divine.
These are just different ways for respecting the great Divine who doesn't even want anything from you.
The rituals and names are just a thread, which helps to bind all the pearl like humans together in respect of the Divine.

But when these rituals are used as a tool to separate the brothers from each other, It is very saddening.
You are created by the Divine. So, by his touch you are also Divine.
The person with whom you are fighting is as Divine as You are.
The living entities, the animals, the birds and the trees, which are made by the Divine are as Divine as You are.
The non-living Mountains, the rivers, the oceans, the sky which are sculptured by the Divine are as Divine as You are.
Because there is nothing in which the Divine is not present. He is omnipresent, In me, In You, In all the Living and all the Non-Living together.
The division is only due to the thoughts, due to the Mind. The Divine is One. So as are we all, Brothers!!

Tera Apple, toh mera Seeb hai. Is Dunia main isi baat ka toh fareeb hai.

Brain Power

You cannot change what you feel. But you can change how you react to it.

Like, every one knows what pain is, but some react to it in a casual way while others react to it like it doesn't belong to their world.

According to me the cure for feeling what you feel is accepting it. Everything happens for a reason, so find out the "WHY"and you will endure any "HOW".

When you know what you  feel.. and why you do it.. you know the why.. And then if you  think that the feeling is "Not Enough" for the world, then only you will think of "How" to make it better.. And the more you think, the more you evolve..

The brain is just like a muscle. The more you understand things, the more you strengthen your brain.

But let the brain be another thing for a while. Let's forget the brain..

Why don't you want to know? Why dont you want to learn?

  • Do you know how the computer works?
  • Don't you want to know why the things are how they are?
  • Why the silk is soft?
  • Why the sun rises from the east?
  • Why the moon falls towards earth?
  • Why can you speak?
  • Why do we hear when someone speaks?
  • Why does the washing machine cleans clothes?
  • Why does Earth  doesn't collapse in the sun?
  • Why does the universe exists?
  • What does an atom look like?
  • Does it really look like that?
  • Why do you understand what is written on the screen?
  • How is anything written on the Screen?
  • How can humans reach the moon?
  • How we know what is there on Mars?
  • How we know what is in our blood?
  • How can we say earth is dying?
  • Why is there no proof of GOD?
  • Why do some elements glow in the dark?
  • Why doesn't some other species rule the word like we do?
  • Why is earth round?
  • What are we made of?
  • How does matter affect our nature?
    How can we find where we came from?
  • Is there really GOD?
  • Is there no GOD?
  • Are we humans just a calculated probability?
  • Or are we just randomly thrown dice?
  • Are we really a miracle of Evolution?
  • Why don't Animals evolve in Communication if it is necessary?
  • How Do humans communicate?
  • Why do we domesticate animals?
  • Are there more intelligent life?
  • Can we escape earth and reach the space/?
  • Why only Humans are advanced enough to think that we can achieve anything?

And if you don't care about even one question. Are you not developed enough to even think?

I hope you are, as we humans are equals in terms of brain power. 

The only difference is how we use and utilize it.

Think about it.