The non-essential amino acid : MSG

"You should always know, from where the Chinese food gets the taste"

Umami(pleasant savory taste), is one of the five basic tastes, which is not easy to describe.
The Chinese food gets this taste from, MSG(Monosodium glutamate) or commonly known as Ajinomoto.

MSG is found in tomatoes, Parmesan, potatoes, mushrooms, and other vegetables and fruits. It is used in the food industry as a flavor enhancer with an umami taste that intensifies the meaty, savory flavor of food

MSG is know to us by many names:

Chemical names and identifiers
  •     Monosodium glutamate
  •     Sodium 2-aminopentanedioate
  •     Glutamic acid, monosodium salt, monohydrate
  •     L-Glutamic acid, monosodium salt, monohydrate
  •     L-Monosodium glutamate monohydrate
  •     Monosodium L-glutamate monohydrate
  •     MSG monohydrate
  •     Sodium glutamate monohydrate
  •     UNII-W81N5U6R6U

Trade names

  •     Accent
  •     Ajinomoto
  •     Tasting Powder
  •     Vetsin
  •     Sazón

But these is more to it. MSG has been claimed and tested to have various dose-dependant side effects including headache and dizziness.

Other symptoms include:
  • Chest pain
  • Flushing
  • Headache
  • Numbness or burning in or around the mouth
  • Sense of facial pressure or swelling
  • Sweating 
  • Short-term increases in blood pressure and heart rate
Let's get Scientific here, the neural damage caused by MSG is both time dependant and dose dependant.

If MSG is taken at very less quantity, the effects observed are less. Still, if that quantity is taken for a longer period of time, then the effects can be clearly seen.

This effect of MSG can not be worn off by boiling the substance or by converting it into edible tasty food.

So, why are children and Chinese people not affected by it?

       Study shows that, MSG doesn’t affect immature neurons, so children will not have any adverse effects.
Also, it tells us that MSG affects the neurons after a certain Threshold quantity. If we take MSG in a fixed quantity, our body will eventually develop resistance to the effects. 
This may explain why Chinese populations do not experience headaches after MSG intake. It is likely that they have already established tolerance to MSG due to previous exposures to low doses of MSG when they were young.

Is there any way to save grown up adults from MSG?

       Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C is an important endogenous neuroprotectant in the brain, it provides a clear protection against MSG damage.  

Finally, I would like to suggest that you should not stop eating Chinese food. You should eat it, but you should also keep yourself healthy. 
Eat in a controlled quantity and keep yourself nourished with Vitamin C.

 Reference :

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