Eagle Guyz

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Far, far away, in another parallel universe, where you and I co-exist, there was a Scientist whose name I dare not reveal. Earth, there, was way more developed than we can today even think. The scientist found something. Something so powerful, and magical, that he was attracted towards it. It was a huge transparent rock. It had a mysterious aura around it. Whatever it was, he was deeply impressed by it, and named it ‘NORANTIUM’, from ‘NORANT’ , the word meaning Undying Energy in that Universe. 

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After spending decades discreetly experimenting with the rock, the scientist drew out some conclusions. That rock, had the power to modify Nature, I mean, it had the power to CONTROL and MANIPULATE – Time, Matter and Space. He was astonished with his discovery. He wanted to reveal it to the World, but he realized that the World was not yet ready for such a thing. So using a material stronger that Diamond, he carved that rock into items of everyday use, rings, necklaces, guns and more. He named those objects ‘THE RELICS’.

Eagle Guyz Ishaan Singh 

Apparently some words were similar across Dimensions. The Relics gave two styles of power to the bearer – 'QUAIN' style and 'STRIN' style. QUAIN style powers remained with the bearer even after the Relic was removed, but STRIN type was temporary. A Relic of QUAIN could only be used by one person, as it bonded with his/her soul.

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Something modern science couldn't even think of doing. So with the power of the remaining NORANTIUM, he scattered the Relics across Time and Space, into different dimensions and time streams. No one knows why he did that.

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Now you would ask me who am I and how do I know all this. I am a member of one of the most powerful races across Dimensions. People of my race, who behold the relics, are called – "THE EAGLE GUYZ."

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