The Sparks of Happiness do Freeze Away

As per Psychologist : , "Happiness is a mental or emotional state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy."

Did you understood anything?? Me Neither.
According to me, Happiness is the state in which you feel good in everything, even if sometimes it is not there. If you are happy life feels beautiful. Weather feels pleasant. Food tastes good and everything seems simple.
But in today's world, happiness seems to fade away somewhere.

Happy + Baloons

God has made happiness for everyone in this world. Not only human beings, animals, birds, fishes everyone has the right to remain happy. But not everyone gets it.  

pikachu happiness lovehappiness happiness love parrot

Whole our life we try to find happiness. We roam in search of it. We ask everyone, where can we find it?? But we don't get the appropriate answers. 
Some say happiness lies in power, some say love, some say possession, and some ask us to find happiness in inanimate things. And more over it, Some say money is happiness.

So after hearing these answers, people start earning money. And money corrupts them. Then they want to earn more and more money every day. In this quest, they forget the real meaning of life, "Happiness."

"Money can't buy happiness." People earn a great amount of money, but in the end they all die the same.
Sometimes, people with very less money can also be the happiest. Just because they have not bound their happiness with money. They have welcomed life as it as, and they have welcomed happiness.

Happiness among children not happy businessman

Some people have not bound themselves to anything, but they still don't know where to find happiness.
And then they come across something called Love and they think that the sparks of happiness have not yet lost.


They get happiness in love. They enjoy being with someone they love. But sometimes they give attraction the name of love.
In love you accept the person as he/she is. But in attraction, you ask the person to change. And then comes demands, people fight and then again they lose their happiness.
And sometimes, Some people don't actually love. They will be in relation just to use the other and in this type of relation, the other will always get Hurt.
One sided love, too hurts a lot.

I am not saying, Love is Bad. But sometimes in today's world, Love is FAKE. "Love Hurts"
But if love is true from both sides, It is the most Beautiful thing in life.

So, where is the real Happiness???

Real happiness is always there, but no one sees it. You can find real happiness in yourself. If you are just bound to yourself, you will be happy. If you accept your life, you will find real happiness. Not just life, You have to accept happiness itself. If you Believe you can be happy then only you will be able to. Make one person happy, only one per day. And you will get all the happiness you want.

Quote on happiness

No one deserves more or less happiness. Everyone deserves to laugh as hard as they can, get the most from life and be happy always. But people are ignorant, they forget the real goal of life.
And so, "The Sparks of Happiness do Freeze Away"


  1. one would be happy if he/she do every thing in life selflessly.
    And one more thing is Love itself is a happy feeling if its true no matter if its one sided or else........:-)

  2. Dude this is some deep shit
