Project: Magnetic Stirrer

Have you ever went to Chemistry Lab of your College or School and seen something magical or mystical??
Have you ever wondered that if that was with you, you could do many things with it??

Similarly, we(me and my friend) saw the mystical Magnetic Stirrer. And I thought that if that was with me I could make COLD COFFEE!! :D

So, we both thought to build one, and succeeded..

What we saw in Lab
What we made

This is our result, what we got.

Yes we got a great difficulty making it, but try try and you will succeed.
We applied simple logic and patience for making this. 

We thought that we can use something as a stirrer and move it by magical force. yes we could use messner effect, But from where will we get Super cooled superconductors and magnets.. :'(

Then we thought of a simpler version, Using iron stirrer and use magnets to move it.. 

The stirrer, With magnet and battery

And yes we succeeded in that simple form.. See below we did some playing too.,

Oh and I forgot to tell you.. We got delicious Cold Coffee Too.. ;)

I want to give my partner, Adarsh Sambare a special thanks for helping me. He too got his own blog, where you can learn many new things about science.
Do visit his blog: